Homemade Sinus Relief Using Hot Peppers
Things You'll Need
- Neti pot
- Thermometer
- 1/2 cup warm water
- 1 tsp. sea salt
- 1/4 tsp. baking soda
- 1/4 tsp. hot pepper powder
- Spoon
- Tissue
- Reusable nasal spray bottle
Prepare the neti pot solution in the neti pot. Pour a half a cup of warm water into the neti pot. The water should be as close to your body temperature as possible. Use a thermometer to check the water temperature. Water too hot or too cold can actually have a negative effect on the sinuses. Add one teaspoon of sea salt and a 1/4 tsp. of baking soda and 1/4 tsp. of hot pepper powder into the pot. Stir the solution until it is completely dissolved.
Position your head over a sink with the neti pot and a box of tissues within arm's reach. Blow your nose. Tilting your head over the sink, slowly place the neti pot opening into one of your nostrils and begin to pour. Allow the solution to work its way throughout your sinus cavity and come out the other nostril. Blow your nose to rid the sinuses of the excess mucus. Repeat the process on the other nostril.
Prepare the same solution except this time pour it into a reusable nasal spray bottle. Take the hot pepper nasal spray with you throughout your day to maintain clear sinuses. Close off one nostril by placing your hand over it. Place the nasal spray bottle tip up the other nostril. As you squeeze the solution into the nostril, take a deep breath to propel the solution deep into the cavity. Spray two to three times and then repeat the process on the other nostril. This will cause the sinuses to drain, so have tissues prepared before attempting to use the nasal spray in public.