Is There a Herbal Testosterone Treatment?
The common weedy plant tribulus terrestris has a long-standing traditional use as an aphrodisiac and muscle enhancer, and many men use it as an alternative to anabolic steroids or male hormone replacement therapy. However, in October of 2005, the Journal of Ethnopharmacology reported that, despite its benefits, this herb may not directly influence testosterone levels.
Tongkat Ali
Several Malaysian studies have investigated the role that tongkat ali, an African evergreen, plays in regulating the male endocrine system. The medical journal Phytomedicine has published several of these studies, many of which suggest that it slightly increases testosterone levels.
Saw Palmetto
A popular herb for prostate health, saw palmetto helps to increase testosterone levels in men of all ages. notes that saw palmetto also reduces estrogen levels within the male body.
Androgenic medicinal herbs may interact with drugs, medications and nutritional supplements. Talk to your doctor before taking any medicinal herb if you have a medical condition.
Androgenic medicinal herbs are sometimes stigmatized within the athletic community because of the common misconception that they act as steroids or clinical pro-hormones. As of 2010, the World Anti-Doping Agency does not classify tribulus, saw palmetto or tongkat ali as banned substances for athletes.