Ranunculus Bulbosus Benefits
Ranunculus bulbosus can benefit joints, especially those afflicted with gout and rheumatism. When applied directly to the skin, the plant can help alleviate the symptoms and pain associated with stiffness and joint pain.
Fibromyalgia, formerly known as fibrositis, can also benefit from ranunculus bulbosus. This condition is marked by muscle spasms, pain, stiffness and tender areas in the neck, shoulders, hips and spine. Ranunculus bulbosus works particularly well on alleviating the stiffness and pain.
Ranunculus bulbosus can also help alleviate shingles, which are also known as herpes zoster. Ranunculus bulbosus works especially well for shingles that are particularly itchy and sore, and on the back or front near the ribcage. A ranunculus bulbosus tincture can help lessen the pain and itchiness, as well as reduce the outbreak of blisters and pimples.
Ranunculus bulbosus can provide relief from headaches. If you place a small dab of the plant's juice into your nose, it can induce sneezing. This sneezing can alleviate some headaches.
Sore Mouth
Ranunculus bulbosus can relieve a sore and painful mouth. Tender, uncomfortable and aching oral symptoms can benefit from a ranunculus bulbosus infusion made with boiled water and then cooled before drinking. You can also rinse with the ranunculus bulbosus infusion to further help healing.
Other Benefits
Ranunculus bulbosus has a couple of other beneficial uses. The painful nerve condition of sciatica benefits from ranunculus bulbosus when using the herb as a tincture. Boiled ranunculus bulbosus roots make a food for livestock that doubles as a stimulant. Pigs enjoy the boiled roots with no additives, whereas cattle prefer them mixed with other greens.