Uva Ursi Warnings
Side Effects
The herb Uva Ursi may cause an increase in urine flow. Urine can develop a green tint. You may experience nausea, vomiting and gas when taking this herb. Other side effects noted include skin irritation, ringing in the ears, dizziness, muscle twitching, and convulsions. Large quantities of Uva Ursi can lead to cyanosis and death. If you develop hives or tightness in your throat after ingesting Uva Ursi, stop taking the medicine and seek immediate help.
Tell your doctor if you are breastfeeding or pregnant before taking Uva Ursi.
Do not use this herb if you have had kidney problems in the past.
You should not take this product if you have digestive problems like gas, diarrhea or cramping.
Do not take Uvi Ursi for longer than one week at a time or for more than five times in a year without getting advice from a healthcare professional.
Tell your doctor of any medications you might be taking before using Uva Ursi.
Follow all instructions given to you for proper dosage of Uva Ursi. While no clinical studies support specific dosages, large quantities of this supplement may cause adverse reactions and even death. You should see a health care practitioner before considering this product for dosage recommendations. Doses may include up to 10 g of leaf daily.
Keep this product locked up and away from children. The medicine should be stored away from heat and direct light. Do not store the product in damp areas, such as the bathroom or kitchen. Moisture may cause the herb to break down.