Benefits of Goldenseal
Cold and Flu Relief
Goldenseal benefits users by soothing mucous membranes that keep the eyes, nose and throat healthy. Users who take goldenseal at the earliest sign of influenza or the common cold may knock out symptoms before they get worse and stop the progression of the disease, according to the Herbal Wisdom website. Goldenseal reduces fevers and clears congestion associated with these ailments.
Nutritional Supplement
Taking goldenseal promotes health by providing many nutrients that are essential to the body. Goldenseal contains calcium, iron, vitamins A, C, E and B-complex vitamins as well as manganese and many alkaloids, according to the vitamin supplement website Goldenseal also contains traces of essential oils and other elements that help to boost the immune system and fight off illnesses.
When bacteria enter the body, they cling to tissue and cause infection to occur. Goldenseal makes it more difficult for the bacteria to cling to tissues in the body and therefore discourages infection and flushes them out, according to the Herb Wisdom website.
Goldenseal is effective is battling bacteria as well as protozoa, fungi and streptococci. The use of the herb is good for stopping diarrhea caused by E. coli, shigellosis, food poisoning, giardasis and cholera because of the herb's berberine content, according to the Herb Wisdom website. Medical website agrees that the berberine may potentially be effective.
Goldenseal is known for its antibiotic properties when used as an external or topical wash, according to the Herb Wisdom website. Combining goldenseal with water to make a skin wash treats conditions including eczema, ringworm, sores and open wounds. The herb has a sterilizing effect that will help rid the skin of infection, promote proper healing and stimulate the lymph system.
Goldenseal can be made into eardrops to treat earaches or conjunctivitis. Goldenseal causes lymph to drain from the lymph nodes behind the ears more efficiently so that there is no congestion. Clearing congestion will often stop the pain of earaches, according to
Digestion Aid
The combination of goldenseal with the supplement echinacea improves digestion by increasing the production of digestive enzymes and fluids needed for proper digestion. Production of saliva and other digestive juices are also increased when the supplements are used together, which will clean the digestive tract and reduce any inflammation, according to the Herb Wisdom website.