Sodium Bicarbonate Remedies
Heartburn and Indigestion
Sodium bicarbonate quickly relieves indigestion or heartburn. Drinking a solution of a teaspoon of baking soda in a glass of water neutralizes excess gastric acid in the stomach, often relieving discomfort. Folk healers have recommended this for years. If the problem occurs repeatedly, however, consult your doctor. If nausea and excessive sweating accompany severe heartburn pain, seek medical attention immediately as it may be a heart problem.
Bladder and Kidneys
A natural and effective remedy for treating urinary tract infections, baking soda neutralizes acid urine and relieves burning. Some advocates of natural medicine claim that regular doses of sodium bicarbonate will slow the progression of chronic kidney disease, preventing kidney failure and the need for dialysis. A study at the Mayo Clinic, by the American Society of Nephrology, though, has concluded that the use of sodium bicarbonate increases the incidence of contrast nephropathy and requires further evaluation.
Some alternative practitioners promote sodium bicarbonate as an alternative treatment or cure for cancer. The American Cancer Society states that there is no evidence to support these claims. In fact, there is much evidence that these claims are false. The society also states that high dosages can cause serious problems.
Skin Care
To heal or prevent acne, create a paste with baking soda and water. Apply it to the skin and let it dry. Then massage it with damp fingers to exfoliate and deeply clean the skin. A paste of sodium bicarbonate and water soothes the irritation and facilitates healing of insect bites and sunburn. For widespread sunburn, you can add baking soda to bath water for a soothing soak.
Infant Resuscitation
A common practice for over thirty years, doctors give sodium bicarbonate intravenously to newborns who do not start breathing of their own accord. The Cochrane Collaboration quotes a study that shows no benefit or adverse effects of this practice.
Body Odors
Applying bicarbonate of soda as an all-over body powder helps eliminate odors. Applied to underarm areas, it prevents odor as well as most deodorants on the market. Many people have found that applying baking soda to the feet increases comfort and helps eliminate foot odor from excessive perspiration.
Mouth and Teeth
Baking soda was used to polish teeth before commercial toothpastes were ever available. It is still very effective, if less convenient, as a cleaner and whitener for teeth. It effectively removes nicotine, coffee, and tea stains. Rinsing your mouth with a solution of baking soda and water helps relieve the soreness of canker sores.