The Safety of Using Slippery Elm for Healing
Slippery elm is indigenous to damp forests of eastern Canada and the United States. The whole plant can be used medicinally.
Active Constituents
The herb's bark secretes mucilage when moistened. Mucilage is a gelatinous substance that contains a long chain of polysaccharides and protein. This substance helps coat the stomach and throat, bringing relief to stomach aches and sore throats.
Medicinal Properties
Slippery elm is an anti-inflammatory, which makes it helpful when healing scalds, burns and inflammatory skin problems. It is also antispasmodic as it calms the nerves and helps with coughs and nausea. It is also widely used to ease the pain caused by hemorrhoids; and according to the University of Maryland Medical Center, slippery elm contains antioxidants that help relieve inflammatory bowel conditions.
The powder of slippery elm bark is traditionally mixed with honey to make a paste that can then be rolled into a small ball the size of a penny. When ingested, the paste coats the throat, as well as the stomach. The powder may also be added to hot water to make a slippery elm tea.
The University of Maryland Medical Center recommends adding 4 g of powdered slippery elm bark to 2 cups of boiling water. Ssteep for five minutes. Drink a cup of this tea three times daily. You can also safely ingest one or two of the penny-sized balls of slippery elm paste to soothe your throat pain or stomach discomfort.