High Alkaline Herbs
Our natural pH balance of 7.4 is maintained by eating at least 75 percent alkaline foods in our daily diet. Highly acidic foods and beverages, such as alcohol and coffee, should be consumed in moderation. A great majority of alkaline foods are dark, leafy greens and green vegetables. Keeping an alkaline pH promotes overall health and makes our body less prone to harbor viruses and harmful bacteria. High alkaline herbs include ginger, cayenne pepper and parsley.-
Fresh ginger root has a high pH of 6.5 and has been used medicinally for thousands of years. It's common use is to relieve motion sickness. Ginger root is well known to be useful in treating menstrual discomfort, gastrointestinal problems such as gas and heartburn, headaches and fevers caused by colds and sore throats. The root's pungent phenol compounds, shogaols and gingerols, make it very effective for relieving nausea and vomiting, helping individuals undergoing cancer chemotherapy. As an anti-inflammatory herb it is used to relieve arthritis pain and ulcerative colitis.
Cayenne Pepper
Cayenne pepper has been used medicinally for many years because of its high levels of calcium and potassium, and vitamins A, B and C. Cayenne is acclaimed as a healing herb for the circulatory system. It is also widely used to help rebuild damaged stomach tissue; it stimulates the peristaltic action in the intestines, relieving digestive ailments such as gas, constipation and stomach cramping. Cayenne promotes circulation, bringing fresh blood to all the cells in the body and the brain.
Native to the Mediterranean, parsley is rich in nutrients and is a good source of vitamins A and C, beta carotene, iron, calcium and folic acids. Parsley's powerful volatile oils such as limonene, myristicin, alpha-thujene and eugenol, have strong and effective cancer-fighting properties. It also has a good amount of apiin, luteolin, criseoriol and apigenin, all important antioxidants that help reduce the change of illness. Parsley serves to detoxify the kidneys; the use of the roots is recognized by the U.S. Pharmacopoeia as a uterine tonic that helps with menstrual cramps and pain. Additionally, parsley is antimicrobial and lowers blood pressure, with the roots being especially helpful with the prevention of gallstones. The leaves are commonly used to reduce bad breath, and they act on the sweat glands to reduce bad body odor.