Herbs & Supplements for Congestion in the Bronchioles
According to greenearthherbs.com, the flowering plant mullein (verbascum thapsus) is a multipurpose lung remedy. It is particularly useful for reducing inflammation and increasing your body's natural mucus production, which helps relieve bronchial congestion.
Elecampane (inula helenium) is a perennial, medicinal plant known for its bitter taste. In addition to stimulating appetite and digestion, the herb is also useful for soothingly expectorating, or clearing mucus and phlegm from the lungs and bronchioles.
The perennial plant coltsfoot (tussilago farfara) is a medicinal herb known for its respiratory benefits. It is used to treat coughs, asthma, emphysema, and both acute and chronic bronchitis.
Horehound (marrubium vulgare) is another herb used for treating bronchitis. The plant helps soothe and relax the bronchioles, which in turn helps increase mucus production and expectoration.
According to marysherbs.com, fennel (foeniculum vulgare) is a highly flavorful and aromatic herb that can help clear the bronchioles and lungs of excess mucus.
The lobelia plant (lobelia inflata), which is also known as Indian tobacco, has been used for centuries as an herbal remedy for coughs, asthma, pneumonia, and bronchitis. It is both a relaxant and an expectorant.