Herbs to Help Heart Palpitations
Black Haw Root Bark
Black haw root bark is a potent herb capable of strengthening the heart. It is an antispasmodic and contains phytosterols. Look for it in tincture form in most health food stores and take according to package directions.
Motherwort is used for heart palpitations. Traditional Chinese doctors prescribed motherwort to treat a racing heart and high blood pressure. "It has a calming effect and also directly lowers blood pressure," according to "The Doctors Book of Herbal Home Remedies." Motherwort is readily available at health food stores. Take according to package directions.
Valerian tea is a popular option to treat stress. Drink valerian tea to ease symptoms of a racing heart. Valerian is widely available in most health food stores. It is also available in tincture and capsule form. Take according to package directions.
Hawthorn is considered a heart strengthener. It acts as a dilator of the heart muscle while promoting a regular heartbeat. Hawthorn is best when standardized for a flavonoid called vetexin. This form is available in capsules. Alternatively, hawthorn is made in tincture form. Most health food stores carry both.