Side Effects of the Herb, Butcher's Broom

Butcher's broom is an herbal remedy commonly used to treat inflammation, hemorrhoids, constipation, circulatory disorders and leg cramps. Most remedies are derived from the root of the plant and can be taken orally or used topically.
  1. Stomach Upset

    • In rare instances, butcher's broom can cause stomach upset, which includes cramping and nausea. Many people find ginger helps combat nausea as well as drinking hot peppermint tea.


    • Butcher's broom is a natural diuretic and mild laxative. Because of that, diarrhea is the most common reported side effect.

    Drug Interactions

    • Butcher's broom should not be used with any monoamine oxidase inhibitors (MAOI) because of the tyramine component in the herb, which poses a potential risk of increased blood pressure. Butcher's broom can also restrict platelet activity so should never be taken with an anticoagulant or anti-platelet medication. People with high blood pressure or prostate problems should use the herb with caution.

      Always consult your health care professional before starting an herbal remedy routine.

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