How to Find Pure Turmeric
Look for organically grown turmeric. You may pay slightly more, but if you want better quality, choose organic over cheaper, mass-produced herbs and spices. When cooking with turmeric, remember it is not water-soluble. Use a little oil if making a curry dish, or add some milk if making turmeric tea.
Get to the root of turmeric's healing power. Visit an Indian grocery store or an online source to purchase the rhizomes from which turmeric powder is made. You can powder the dried roots yourself using a food processor or a mortar and pestle. Certain foods combine well with turmeric, making it absorb more readily into the bloodstream. Green tea, ginger, and black pepper support turmeric in this way.
Purchase a supplement. Select a supplement made from organic ingredients only. Scientists estimate many natives of India consume as much as 2 g a day of turmeric since it is such a staple of that country's cuisine. This provides approximately 100 mg of curcumin, the substance believed to hold the key to turmeric's healing properties. If you do not think you will be cooking Indian style, a supplement may be your best bet for getting sufficient amounts of turmeric on a daily basis. Many health experts recommend a supplement that has separated curcumin, the active ingredient, from the turmeric.