Black Walnut & Tea Tree Salve
Black Walnut Tea Tree Salve
The WiseWays Herbals company makes Black Walnut Tea Tree Salve, which the company markets as an antifungal skin cream for rashes such as eczema, psoriasis and ringworm, among others.
Walnut Hull & Leaf
The salve lists "olive oil extracts of organic black walnut hull & leaf" on its list of ingredients on the WiseWays website.
Black walnut hulls contain juglone, which is known to suppress the growth of certain plants, and the sap from green hulls have apparent microbial and antifungal activity, according to the University of Arkansas website.
Scientists are studying juglone to see if it could be useful as part of a cancer therapy drug, according to the Virginia Tech website.
Leaf Extract
An extract taken from black walnut leaves can be mixed with ginseng to make vaginal lubricants.