Medicinal Properties of Persian Black Fungus
Black fungus is most commonly known for it's ability to promote blood flow and healthy circulation, regardless of how it is prepared and/or ingested. Once taken, the body will absorb the nutrients found in black fungus, helping keep your heart rate and blood pressure at a healthy level.
Black Fungus
Cloud ear, tree ear, jelly mushroom and wood fungus are all terms used to describe what is commonly known as black fungus. It has a wavy, brown top that almost resembles dried apple skin or thin, treated leather. Some say it resembles the curls of a typical ear, hence its common names. It is typically found growing on tree trunks or can be purchased either fresh or dried. If purchased dried, soak the fungus in water for 15 to 30 minutes before using for a meal.
The Chinese have been using black fungus in their cuisine for centuries and are well aware of its healthful benefits.
Black fungus does not actually have any taste of it's own. It is prized for its crunchy texture. Yet this is not all it is good for. It also soaks up whatever other flavors are in the dish being prepared, making it a perfect additive to just about anything.
Where to Find it
Black Fungus can usually be purchased at a health food store or bulk herb store.