Home Herbs for a Low Libido
Damiana Leaf
Damiana leaf (Turnera aphrodisiaca) is native to Mexico and was used by Mayans to promote sexual desire. It increases circulation and sensitivity in both male and female genitals, which benefits sexual arousal and performance. The circulation increase has helped with some forms of impotence. It is also used to reduce anxiety levels that can decrease sexual desire. Damiana can lower blood sugar, and high doses may deliver low levels of cyanide-like compounds, so it is best to avoid high doses. It is not recommended for pregnant or nursing women.
Horny Goat Weed
For over 2000 years the Chinese have used horny goat weed or epimedium for enhancing the libido in both men and women, and to remedy erectile dysfunction. The belief is that it restores youthful libido and increase circulation to the genital areas. The active ingredient of this herb is icariin: make sure your supplement is approximately 10 percent icariin. The average dosage should be two to four 500 mg capsules per day.
Maca is known in Bolivia and Peru as an aphrodisiac. Clinical trials of maca have shown it to increase libido and semen count. It has been of recent interest to medical professionals for use in sexual dysfunctions and erectile problems. Many male enhancement products on the market contain some dosage of maca. US studies show no toxicity and no adverse effects.
Muira Puama
Muira puama (Ptychopetalum olacoides) is from the Amazon and is used by Brazilians to treat sexual dysfunction in men and women. It is now becoming popular in the US and Canada for that purpose as well as for the treatment of PMS and other female problems. Many studies have proven muira puama to benefit the sex drive and reverse impotence. The usual dosage is 1 to 1.4 grams of 1:4 extract taken during the day (because of the herb's tendency to cause insomnia), and it is best to skip a day every two to three days.
Other Herbs That Increase Libido
There are other herbs that are said to increase the libido by increasing circulation or enhancing hormone production. A few of them are yohimbe, cayenne, guarana, ginseng and caruaba bark. Many expensive over-the-counter sexual enhancement products include some or all of these herbs. It could be beneficial to combine your own for the formula that works best for you.