Niteworks for Stroke Recovery
When considering using Niteworks, you should note that it was created by Nobel Laureate Dr. Louis Ignarro, who is renowned for his work and understanding of the effects of nitric oxide. According to an article that appeared in The Washington Post, it is exceptional that an herbal supplement is founded by an individual with this type of background. Niteworks is mainly distributed via multilevel marketing.
If you want to use Niteworks, get some background information on Dr. Ignarro's work at his personal website to better understand the goal of the supplement.
When consulting with your doctor about Niteworks, you will want to discuss that it is a blend of L-arginine and L-citrulline, meant to trigger the production of nitric oxide.
Taking NiteWorks
As its name suggests, Niteworks is meant to be taken prior to going to bed. Nighttime consumption is best, because this is when your body is producing the least amount of nitric oxide from digestion and exercise. To take Niteworks, mix with 8 ounces of water and drink slowly. Niteworks creates a lemon-flavored drink.
Warnings and Considerations
If you have already suffered a stroke, be absolutely certain to discuss using Niteworks or any other herbal supplement with your doctor. It is essential that your doctor be aware that you are taking Niteworks, to check for possible reactions to other medications.
Be aware that Niteworks' benefits are primarily touted as a preventive. If you have already had a stroke, do not substitute Niteworks for prescribed medications. Be aware that as a dietary supplement, the benefits of Niteworks are unproven.
The Mayo Clinic notes that while in theory the use of L-arginine should lower blood pressure--which would be a positive effect for stroke recovery--there is no evidence that this actually works.
As a recovering stroke victim, you should view Niteworks as an option to be considered carefully with the help of your doctor, and you should use it in conjunction with recommendations on stroke recovery from the National Stroke Association.