Lobelia Usage Benefits & History
According to Great Home Remedies.com, lobelia has benefits as an expectorant, laxative, tobacco substitute or purgative and for respiratory disorders like asthma.
Great Home Remedies states that midwives use lobelia to relax uterine muscles and facilitate labor in pregnant women.
Native Americans utilized lobelia for hundreds of years to treat respiratory illnesses such as asthma, bronchitis, pneumonia and coughs. The first documented use of the herb by Europeans took place in the 16th century. In the 19th century, American physicians prescribed lobelia as a purgative to remove toxins from the body
Side Effects
In excess, lobelia can be dangerous, potentially causing depression, nausea, sweating, mental confusion, diarrhea, convulsions, rapid heartbeats, coma and even death.
Pregnant women not in labor and people with a history of seizures or high blood pressure should avoid taking lobelia.