Books on Medicinal Herbs
James Duke
James Duke is the well regarded author of two books on medicinal herbs, "The Green Pharmacy" (1997) and "The Green Pharmacy Herbal Handbook" (2000). These guides are presented in an inviting and easy-to-read style that will not intimidate novice readers, but has enough solid information to be a handy quick reference for the expert. He uses up-to-date studies on traditional folk remedies that will help you to make an informed decision on which herbs are the best for your condition.
James Green
James Green's "Herbal Medicine Maker's Handbook" (2000) is the ideal book for novices to herbal medicine. Green explains not only the herb usage, but how to grow and process the herbs. He also covers the basics of preparing herbal medicines and treatments, including salves, extracts, lotions, and elixirs. This is done in an informative, non-threatening style to create an approachable introduction to herbal medicine.
David Hoffman
"Herbal Handbook" (1997) and "Medical Herbalism" (2003) are comprehensive guides that will satisfy the most experienced herbalist. Hoffman delves into the pharmacological side of herbal medicine, helping readers put precise prescriptions together. This is a book for those who consider herbs a form of drug, not just a folk remedy. This would be a good reference for anyone in traditional medicine who may wish to expand the horizons of their methodology and practice to include herbal medicine.
Margaret Grieve
"A Modern Herbal," Volumes 1 and 2 (1982) is one of the definitive and most comprehensive reference sources on herbs and their uses. Volume 1 lists from the letters A-H and Volume 2 from I-Z on a combined 900 plus pages. The text traces back to some of the oldest uses of the listed herbs and includes information on herbs that are not found much in modern texts due to their potentially dangerous side effects. The author discusses the danger, but stresses the proper use of these herbs. These two books are must haves for anyone who is serious about herbalism.
Commission E
This group is Germany's government food and drug oversight agency and they spent five years researching and developing "The Complete German Commission E Monographs-Therapeutic Guide to Herbal Medicines" (1998.) This book discusses herbal medicines, their uses and their effectiveness and is ideal for health care professionals wishing to become more knowledgeable about herbal medicine. It was the first alternative medicine book to qualify for the prestigious Medical Book of the Year award, given by renowned reviewer Doody Publishing. Reviewers from Doody, in their comments, referred to this book as " important reference book for the healthcare providers committed to the responsible use of botanicals in their practice..."