Sassafras Tea Uses
Diuretic Properties
One of the most common uses of sassafras tea is as a diuretic. Drinking the tea can calm urinary tract irritation, which is good for those who get frequent infections. Some herbalists also administer sassafras tea to patients who have kidney issues, such as stones.
Gastrointestinal Support
Sassafras tea has long been used as a treatment for gastrointestinal issues, specifically diarrhea. The tea can be consumed by those suffering from upset stomachs or the flu to keep them hydrated and cleanse their system of harmful agents.
Cold Remedy
Another of sassafras tea's uses is as a cold remedy. While the tea will not cure a cold, the spicy, numbing flavor of the sassafras oil in the plant's roots can soothe coughing and clear stuffed nasal passages. The mild medicinal aspect of the plant can also ease the pain associated with chest colds.
Skin Irritations
The health benefits of sassafras tea can also be applied to outward skin afflictions. A strong-brewed cup of sassafras tea can be applied to insect bites and other skin irritations with a soft rag. The oil in the tea soothes the itchiness and discomfort of the area so that it has a chance to heal. The sassafras can also draw out toxins that may continue to further irritate the skin.