Blackfoot Medicinal Herbs
Common Yarrow
Yarrow is a medicinal herb commonly used to cure gas and soothe sore throats and sore muscles. Yarrow is also a valued blood tonic and can be combined with other herbs to reduce blood pressure, blood clots and to cleanse the internal organs from toxins. Yarrow grows on prairie land and wide plains and prefers full sun. The plant bears small white or pink flowers in the summer and has a fragrant odor. Its scientific name is Achillea millefolium.
Pasture Sagewort
Pasture sagewort is sometimes called woman's sage, and its scientific name is Artemisia frigida. This plant has gray-green leaves covered in small silver hairs and grows in dry prairie land. Woman's sage is used to stop bleeding from wounds or bloody noses. This herb can be made into a tea which helps with liver ailments and vomiting.
Scientifically known as Hierochloe odorata, sweetgrass has many medicinal uses. Sweetgrass can be used as a hair conditioner or salve. Sweetgrass also soothes chapped lips or skin and sore eyes. Sweetgrass tea aids colds, coughs and sudden pains. Sweetgrass is smoked along with tobacco for ceremonies and dried for use as a purifying smudge.
Sticky Geranium
Sticky geranium or Geranium viscosissimum Fisch is a flowering plant that grows predominantly in moist woody areas. The flowers can be lavender or pink, bloom in midsummer and have five petals. Sticky geranium leaves are deep green and have five or six prongs. Sticky geranium is used to treat colds or headaches. This herb can be made into a poultice for steam compresses or brewed into tea for drinking.
Creeping Juniper
Known as Juniperus horizontalis Moench, creeping juniper is a multipurpose medicinal herb that can relieve kidney problems or urinary tract infections. Creeping juniper berries are antiseptic and often used to kill germs. Juniper can relieve muscle tension, back aches or skin irritations. Creeping juniper grows on rocky outcrops. This plant has blue berries and scaly evergreen needles.