Cottonseed Oil Side Effects
Because cottonseed oil has zero trans fat it is frequently used for cooking oil and salad dressing. Ingested through the many products we use, cottonseed oil is also used as a carrier for agricultural sprays and has been known to cause the following side effects
Unsaturated Fat
Cottonseed oil contains unsaturated fat. The side effects associated with consuming oils containing unsaturated fatty acids include nausea, vomiting, loose stools, diarrhea as well as gastrointestinal discomfort. Many diet foods that promote reduced calories and weight reduction use unsaturated fat in their production.
Because cotton is not classified as an edible crop, farmers are allowed to use pesticides when growing it. Cotton is one of the most heavily sprayed crops due to the frequent threats of insect predators, such as the boll weevil.
Critics say that cottonseed oil may contain natural toxins and unacceptably high levels of pesticide residues.
Human and Animal Consumption
After regularly consuming cottonseed oil through such items as meats and vegetables, some studies have reported side effects on the pituitary and testicular function in men. In some cases, long-term use of crude cotton seed oil has resulted in reduced semen production and total testicular failure.