Herbs for Circulation Problems
Prickly Ash
Prickly ash is a stimulant for the central circulatory system. The Prickly ash is called the toothache tree because North American natives chewed the bark to relieve the pain of toothaches.
Allnatural.com reports that Siberian ginseng has a positive effect on circulation. The University of Maryland Medical Center indicates Siberian ginseng helps the body combat stressful exposure to the cold or heat. It also helps fight off viruses, bacteria, the impact of pollution and physical exhaustion. If you are taking digoxin, which is used to treat heart conditions, or sedatives do not take ginseng.
Cayenne is considered one of the best blood circulation herbs, according to Alternative-healthzine.com. Cayenne is a mild form of chili powder and reportedly will stop bleeding and equalize blood pressure. Because cayenne works to improve your circulation, it is good to use if you have hemorrhoids because it boosts the circulation in the anal area, where circulation tends to be sluggish. Emaxhealth.com notes that cayenne pepper is a central circulatory stimulant and naturally cleanses your entire body, which is particularly beneficial for those suffering with arthritis and other chronic illnesses. Do not take cayenne if you are taking anti-coagulant or blood thinning drugs.
Bilberry and Periwinkle
Vaccinium myrtillus or bilberry improves circulation to the eyes. British pilots in World War II ate bilberry preserves before they went on night missions so they could see better. Periwinkle helps maintain a balanced circulation while also relieving congestion.
Garlic and Ginger Root
Garlic, which is a natural fungicide and antibiotic, provides nourishment not only to the circulatory system, but also to the urinary and immune systems. Ginger root augments circulation and serves as a catalyst for other herbs, increasing their efficacy.
Elderberry, Dong Quai and Licorice
The flowers from the elderberry plant increase circulation and purify your blood. Dong quai is frequently used in Chinese medicine. It promotes circulation and is considered a good blood tonic. It is used to treat headaches, peripheral blood flow problems, venous problems, anemia and low immunity, according to Pignc-ispi.com. Licorice root is also considered a circulatory stimulant.
Aloe Vera
Aloe vera aids lymphatic and blood circulation. In addition, it benefits the liver, kidney and gall bladder. Aloe vera contains anti-inflammatory acids as well as acemannan, a compound which is believed to strengthen the immune system.