Home Remedy to Get Rid of a Sty
Tea Bag Method
Tea bags can be used to treat your sty. Take a tea bag and wet it with either cold or hot water. Both ways can help your eye, so it is a matter of preference. Once the tea bag is thoroughly saturated, place it over your affected eye. Let it sit there for at least five minutes and up to 10 minutes. Repeat this process a few times a day until the sty goes away.
Eye Drops and Washes
Turmeric is needed in order to make a sty-reducing eye drop for you to use. Add 1 teaspoon of the spice to 2 cups of water and boil until it reduces down to half this amount. Once it is reduced, take some cheesecloth or muslin and strain the mixture. Let it cool and use a dropper to apply this mix into your eye three or four times daily.
For an eye wash, take two granules of alum and dissolve it into a cup of water. Use this mixture on your eye once or twice daily in order to cure your sty. You also can create an eye wash from coriander seeds. Boil a teaspoonful of seeds in a cup of water. Once it is cooled, you can use the mixture to wash your eye three to four times a day.
Placing an aloe leaf on your sty is a good way to get rid of it. Take a leaf and cut it in half lengthwise. Then, place the leaf against your eye so that the pulpy part is touching your skin. Potato also is a good sty remedy. Grate some potato to make a pulp. Place the pulp in a cloth and place it over your eye. The potato should reduce pain and swelling.
To keep your sty infection from spreading, don’t touch or rub your eye. It is a good idea not to rub your eye even when you don’t have a sty as well. This will keep any bacteria on your hands from invading your eyelash hair follicle, creating new sties for a sty.