Home Remedy for Dark Spots on the Forehead
Home Remedies
Apply lemon juice to the dark spots on your forehead. Lemon juice has acidic properties that helps to lighten and peel away the outer layer of skin. Soak a cotton ball in lemon juice and apply to dark spots twice a day for six to eight weeks.
Rub a slice of red onion on the dark spots twice a day for six to eight weeks. The onion has the same peeling effect as the lemon because of its acidic content.
Apply aloe vera juice to dark spots. Aloe vera contains healing ingredients that may help rejuvenate skin and cause dark spots to fade. Apply twice a day for one month.
Apply castor oil to the dark areas on your forehead. Use a cotton ball to apply it. Castor oil penetrates deep into the skin and has anti-inflammatory ingredients that may reduce the appearance of dark spots. Keep castor oil away from your eyes.
Apply a horseradish solution to dark spots. Grate a four-inch-long horseradish and mix in one-fourth cup of cider vinegar. Allow mixture to sit in a covered container for two weeks, shaking daily. After two weeks, strain the mixture and keep covered in the refrigerator. Apply a small amount to the dark spots and leave on for five minutes, then rinse off. Apply three times a day, and results should be seen within a week or two.
Mix two tablespoons of cider vinegar and two tablespoons of onion juice. Apply the mixture to dark spots on the forehead, using cotton balls. Apply mixture daily for one to two months or until you start seeing results. Onion and vinegar contain acidic properties that can fade darkened areas.
If any applications cause redness or irritation to your skin, stop using immediately. Some skin types are more sensitive to certain topical solutions. Discuss with your doctor or dermatologist any suspicious looking dark spots on your face or elsewhere on your body.