How to Produce Carrot Oil

Carrot oil possesses many helpful and healing properties, particularly for the skin to prevent aging. Carrot oil has high amounts of healthful antioxidants. When used on the skin or as a facial mask, carrot oil can decrease skin damage, enhance immune properties of the skin cells and even help prevent sunburn and reduce the risk of skin cancer. It is fairly easy to make your own carrot oil at home, rather than ordering it online or purchasing it from a natural food store. You can experience the benefits of carrot oil for yourself.

Things You'll Need

  • Natural olive oil
  • Food processor or grater
  • Pan or crockpot
  • Strainer
  • Storage container
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    • 1

      Peel and grate two to four carrots. Grate with hand grater or food processor.

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      Cover carrots with natural olive oil in pan or crockpot.

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      Cook carrots in the olive oil until they are tender and the olive oil has turned orange.

    • 4

      Pour mixture through strainer into storage container. You now have carrot oil for use in a facial mask or in soap or lotion mixtures.

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      Keep carrot oil refrigerated between each use.

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