DIY Milk Thistle Seed Extract
Making milk thistle extract, or tincture, is easy to do. However, it does take some time.
Gather materials
Order organic milk thistle seed from a reputable herb supplier. Make sure the milk thistle seed is certified organic and has been gathered from an American supplier if you reside in the United States. This will ensure that your herbs have not been sprayed with pesticides. For making the extract, select whole seeds, not powder.
Have on hand or purchase at least a quart sized glass canning jar with a tight-fitting lid, or a lid with a rim and a good seal.
Purchase a 1 liter bottle of inexpensive 80 to 100 proof vodka from any liquor supplier. This alcohol will be the tincturing menstrum. No other form of alcohol is acceptable. Also purchase several 2 to 4-oz. amber glass bottles with eye droppers.
Have on hand or purchase a good quality blender.
Start the extract
Making an herbal extract is called tincturing. Traditionally a tincture is begun on a new moon, although this is not mandatory.
When all of the supplies have been gathered, pour milk thistle seeds into a clean glass jar to the halfway point in the jar. Begin filling the jar of seeds with 100 proof vodka. Fill the jar with vodka until the vodka level rises 2 inches above the seeds. Seal the jar tightly and shake vigorously.
When the seed mixture has settled, add more vodka, as needed, to maintain the 2-inch vodka "float" above the level of the seeds.
Throughout the day or evening, shake the jar vigorously. Add vodka as needed. Leave the jar out in an easily visible location. For the next three days, shake the jar of milk thistle seeds every time you see the jar.
Macerate the seeds
After three days, pour the contents of the jar into a good quality blender. Turn the blender on "liquefy" for several minutes until the seeds are completely macerated. Use a spatula to scrape the mash back into the tincture jar. Add more vodka to the 2-inch float level and shake well. Once the herbs settle, add more vodka up to the float line, if necessary.
Leave the herbs alone for two weeks. Shake the jar twice a day. Add more vodka if needed.
Tincture the herbs
Traditionally, herbs are tinctured on the full moon.
Get a clean, 100 percent cotton dish towel or a nut bag, and a clean glass or metal mixing bowl. Lay the dish towel over the bowl. Dump the tinctured herbs into the bowl, on top of the dish towel. Use a spatula to scrape out the remaining herbs from the jar.
Wring out the dish towel containing the herbs into the bowl. The milk thistle tincture will drip into the bowl. The remaining wet herbs may be tossed into the compost pile.
Pour the milk thistle tincture into amber glass bottles with eye droppers. Label them well.