Does a Basil Plant in the House Cause Headaches?
Basil, a native of India, was introduced to England in 1573, although it use dates back to the days of Galen, a Greek physician born in 130 A.D.
Medicinal Uses
Dried basil leaves are steeped in a tea for indigestion or the steam is inhaled for cold and flu relief. It can also be used to dip a compress in and then applied to the head for headache relief. Dried leaves can be very finely ground and be inhaled through the nose, like snuff, to provide headache relief.
Basil is an easily grown herb whose leaves can be plucked at any time so you can always have a good supply on hand. This means headache relief could always be as close as your kitchen herb garden.
There are many types of basil, however they all serve the same purpose, either as flavoring for food--especially tomato dishes--or as a time honored home remedy.
With no evidence to show that it causes headaches when grown as a houseplant, basil with its many uses in cooking and as an herbal medicine, may make a worthwhile addition to your kitchen herb garden.
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