Garbanzos for Age Spots
Age Spots
Age or liver spots are marks on the skin caused by exposure to ultraviolet (UV) radiation from the sun. These spots are associated with aging as elderly people often have them, as they have been exposed to the sun for many years longer than younger people.
Garbanzo or chick peas are a type of legume and are one of the oldest cultivated foods in history. They are grown in the Middle East and Asia and are utilized in many cuisines and dishes worldwide.
Health Benefits
Garbanzo beans are high in fiber. Fiber helps lower cholesterol, boosts weight loss, prevents blood sugar spikes and is almost fat free. They are also a source of carbohydrates, vitamin A, iron, vitamin C and calcium.
Garbanzo beans can be mashed up and mixed with water to create a thick paste. This paste can then be applied to your age spots and left to dry. Wash it off after it dries.
Though many naturalists prescribe this remedy, there is no medical proof that suggests garbanzo beans can help treat age spots. The only evidence exists in testimonials, and these cannot be considered sufficient evidence.