How to Take Ginger for Seasickness
For centuries, ginger has been used to treat nausea, upset stomach and diarrhea. Scientific research has validated ginger’s use as a remedy for morning sickness and pregnancy related nausea. According to the February 2005 issue of Die Pharmazie, an international journal of pharmaceutical science, ginger can even effectively reduce chemotherapy-induced nausea. Another study cited by the University of Maryland’s Medical Center revealed that ginger can help treat or prevent motion sickness and seasickness. It can be taken raw, as a tea, a capsule or even in the form of a cookie or carbonated beverage.Things You'll Need
- Ginger capsules
- Ginger ale
- Ginger snap cookies
- Bottled Water
Preparation and Prevention
Take one to two ginger capsules with 8 oz. of water before stepping onto the boat or boarding the ship.
Eat as many ginger snaps as you comfortably need to help settle your stomach.
Sip the ginger ale for the duration of your trip or anytime you begin to feel seasick.