Garlic-Tincture Preparation

Garlic, according to the University of Chicago's Tang Center for Herbal Medicine, "has a history of medicinal use dating back to Egyptian times." Garlic tincture, made from fresh garlic, offers a viable alternative to eating raw garlic. Additionally, garlic tincture can replace other forms of garlic therapy such as pills, capsules and extracts. You can readily create your own homemade garlic tincture.
  1. Preparation

    • Use only fresh garlic (the kind in the produce section) to make garlic tincture. As with any medicinal preparation, employ organic ingredients when possible. Prepare two heads of garlic for every half cup of tincture desired. (A clove is one piece of garlic, while a head of garlic represents the whole bunch of cloves connected at the base of the head.)

      Peel each clove of garlic, leaving the cloves whole for weaker tinctures and crushing cloves for stronger potency. The easiest way to crush garlic cloves is with a garlic crusher. If you do not have one, crush the garlic (skin on) by pressing the flat side of your knife handle against the clove, using the heel of your hand for pressure.

    Add the Tincture Medium

    • The most popular medium for garlic tincture is consumable alcohol like vodka or brandy. Rain's makes organic vodka that is readily available at most mainstream liquor stores. To prepare the garlic tincture, place your garlic in an air-tight container (preferably glass) and pour the alcohol on top. Seal the container.

    Steep and Decant

    • Alcohol tinctures should steep for at least two weeks, but no more than four are necessary for a very potent tincture. Check your tincture each day and shake it up to facilitate the process. At the end of the prescribed time, decant the liquid using a strainer or cheese cloth. Gently press or squeeze the liquid from the remaining pulp to create the most potent tincture.

    Positive Energy

    • Add good energy to your garlic tincture, if you are inclined to do so. Those who practice alternative medicine often chant, say a prayer or cite an intention during the tincture-making process. For example, if you are making the tincture for a loved one with a specific ailment, talk to the tincture and let it know what your expectations and hopes are for the finished product. Those who believe in the healing power of crystals can put a crystal inside or next to the tincture while it is steeping or after it has been decanted.


    • As with any medicine, there are contraindications when consuming garlic tincture. As stated by Armando Gonzalez Stuart, Ph.D., of the University of Texas El Paso, "Garlic consumed in large amounts may interfere with normal blood clotting and may increase bleeding time." He recommends cessation of garlic therapy a minimum of two weeks prior to surgery, and urges diabetic patients to use caution as it may lower blood-glucose levels.

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