Tincture Remedy for Nerves and Tension
The Best Herbs
Choose herbs for your tincture that have a relaxing effect on the body. There are many herbs that reduce anxiety and nervousness, relax muscles and help improve sleep. Most herbs are generally safe to use in tinctures, so experiment a little to see how they work for you.
Chamomile has relaxing and calming properties. It is very safe to use, although pregnant women should use it with caution and under the care of a doctor, naturopath or midwife.
Passion flower can help lower blood pressure, which is often elevated in people struggling with nerves and tension.
Valerian root is a good remedy to promote better sleep and deeper relaxation. Valerian root can cause side effects including stomach upset and confusion. Don't use valerian for more than 3 weeks at a time.
St. John's Wort is effective for relieving nervousness and tension.
Lavender is another good herbal remedy for anxiety. In a study published in the December 2009 issue of Phytomedicine, it was reported that a preparation of lavender oil taken orally helped to relieve the symptoms of anxiety.
Making Your Own Tincture
Prepare a tincture to treat nerves and tension by soaking 4 oz. of one of the herbs above in 2 cups of vodka for 2 weeks. The herb should be dried rather than fresh. While the tincture is steeping, keep it in a sealed jar away from the light. Shake the tincture once each day. After 2 weeks, use a piece of cheesecloth or a sieve to strain the mixture into a brown glass bottle. The dark glass helps keep the mixture stable. When stored in a cool, dark place, the tincture will remain effective for 2 years.
Using Your Own Tincture
Take up to 15 drops of your tincture three times a day when you are feeling anxious or tense. Remember, if you are using valerian root, to limit its use to 3 weeks. You can mix the tincture in with tea, warm water or even juice to make it more palatable. Label your tinctures clearing with the name of the herb used and the date it was prepared.