Lactobacillus Reuteri Safety
Safety Concerns
Lactobacillus reuteri is a naturally occurring bacteria found in fermented milk products like probiotic yogurt, and is also available in tablet form. Recent studies published by the National Institute of Health and the American Society for Microbiology suggest that lactobacillus reuteri is safe both as a food additive and as a supplement, and that its benefits do live up to most recent claims.
Gastrointestinal illnesses and discomforts are often caused by a lack of beneficial bacteria in the digestive tract. People with immune disorders and certain diseases may be deficient in these microorganisms, making them prone to secondary infections. Lactobacillus reuteri quickly colonizes in the digestive system and prevents bloating, belly aches, digestive distress, and various illnesses.
Pediatric Uses
A study done by Tulane University in Peru in 2008 showed that lactobacillus reuteri was easily tolerated by healthy adult volunteers and suggested that the bacteria could also be used to successfully treat pediatric diarrhea. A study done by Regina Margherita Children's Hospital in Turin, Italy showed that lactobacillus reuteri safely reduced colic in infants with no negative side effects.
HIV Uses
Lactobacillus reuteri was given to 39 subjects with active HIV in a study conducted by the National Institute of Health to determine whether persons with reduced immunity could tolerate it. No negative effects were observed.
Lactobacillus reuteri is one of a many beneficial bacteria that can ward off gastrointestinal illness and bloating. Eating probiotic foods that contain this helpful bacteria is an easy and safe way to ward off disease.