How to Help Chapped Lips

Chapped lips can be painful, embarrassing, and downright annoying. Chapped lips can be caused by dry skin, cold weather, allergies, and various other variables. There are a number of way to help chapped lips heal, besides just applying chap-stick. Below are couple of my favorite ways to help cure chapped lips, consider trying a few to see what helps you.


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      Apply milk cream several times a day on dried and chapped lips to remove dead skin and create a smoother texture.

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      Mix a little glycerin with honey. Apply mixture to cracked areas of the lip several times a day until healed.

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      To help chapped lips heal by retaining moisture, apply caster oil a couple times a day.

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      To help retain moisture and color in chapped lips apply a mixture of crushed rose petals and glycerin to your lips. A mixture with two parts glycerin and one part rose petal works well.

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