Herbs With Calming Effects
Valerian is a perennial plant that is commonly known for its distinctive odor; this plant is native to both Europe and Asia. The root of the herb is used as a dietary supplement for its calming effect after being combined with other constituents. Some of the medicinal uses of valerian are: insomnia, distress, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, epileptic seizures and gastrointestinal problems. According to the National Institute of Health, the active constituent in valerian---that promotes the calming effect---has not been identified; it is thought to be the result of the herb being combined with other constituents.
Passion Flower
Passion flower is native to Central, North and South America. The root, the leaves and the flower can be used for medicinal purposes, yet, passion flower is used most often medically to relax the central nervous system. The herb increases the neurotransmitter gama-aminobutyric acid. Neurotransmitters are brain chemicals that are responsible for transmitting messages between cells of the body. The active constituent, passiflorine, which is commonly compared to morphine, is what causes the herb to have a calming effect. Some of the disorders that passion flower can be medicinally used to treat are: sleeplessness, anxiety, dysentery and nervous agitation.
California Poppy
The California poppy has been the state flower for California since 1903. It is a perennial plant that is used medicinally to treat anxiety and to promote sleeping in patients who are suffering from insomnia. The herb is used in low does to treat stress and anxiety and used in higher doses to treat insomnia.
Chamomile is an herb that also can be referred to as "German chamomile." The most common medicinal uses of chamomile are to treat colic, sleeping disorders, anxiety, digestion problems and inflammation. Herbalists have been known to recommend chamomile to treat a depressed immune system, blood clots, muscle tension and water retention, according to Vitamin Stuff, an online vitamin and supplement resource. Chamomile is a popular ingredient found in teas that are used to calm nerves and encourage sleep.