Natural Progesterone Cream & Polycystic Ovarian Disease

Polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) is an endocrine, metabolic condition that affects 6 to 10 percent of women, according to Dr. Samuel Thatcher. Although there is no cure for the syndrome, some women have found relief from their symptoms by using natural progesterone cream.
  1. Progesterone and PCOS

    • Women with PCOS often have chronically low progesterone levels, which can lead to lack of menstruation and infertility.

    Progesterone Cream

    • Women with PCOS can use natural progesterone cream to improve the level of progesterone in their bodies, as opposed to using progesterone suppositories or oral progesterone treatment.

    Choosing a Cream

    • While there are many progesterone creams available, experts such as Dr. John Lee recommend creams that contain 450mg to 500mg of progesterone per ounce.

    How It Is Used

    • Women apply a small amount of progesterone cream to their skin at different times during their cycles depending on what they are hoping to accomplish: to menstruate or to sustain a pregnancy.

    Does It Work?

    • Little empirical evidence exists as to the effectiveness of progesterone cream in the treatment of PCOS, but anecdotal evidence is plentiful. Many women turn to progesterone cream after visits to their doctors have been unhelpful.


    • According to Dr. Jeffrey Dach, "The progesterone cream may successfully restore cycles in many cases. However, self-medication is not recommended." He urges women to see their physicians for treatment and follow-up.

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