What Are the Benefits of Senna Leaf Tea?
Senna, or Cassia Angustifolia, is an ornamental shrub native to Egypt. Its leaves and pods are collected twice a year, then dried to create medicinal teas, tinctures, and supplements.
Senna acts on the smooth muscles of the colon to instigate bowel movements. It is primarily used as an effective relief from occasional constipation.
Many teas marketed as "Diet" or "Detox" teas are comprised mainly of Senna, with additional flavorings to mask the herb's somewhat unpleasant taste. Though Senna can promote weight loss, it is a temporary and unreliable diet aid.
Steep one tea bag of Senna for 3 minutes in 6 to 8 ounces water to produce a bowel movement within 6 to 12 hours. Do not exceed recommended dosage; Senna is extremely potent and considered toxic in excess.
Prolonged used of Senna can damage the colon and encourage dependency. Do not take Senna for more than seven consecutive days. Discontinue use if experiencing stomach cramps, dizziness, rectal bleeding, or nausea. Do not drink Senna tea if pregnant, nursing, or anemic.