Natural Benefits From Rose Extract & Dead Sea Minerals
Rose Etract Uses
Rose flower extracts (Rosa centifolia/gallica/damascene) are most famous today for their alleged positive effects on the nervous system: calming anxiety, lifting mood and instilling a feeling of well-being, refreshing the senses, stimulating sexual desire, and promoting good dreams. Ayurveda (traditional Indian medicine) states that rose preparations make the mind more receptive, and have a cooling effect on the eyes (as a wash). Rose extracts also commonly used for skin enhancement by the cosmetics industry.
Scientific Support
Although many users sincerely assert that the above effects are indeed true, scientific inquiry to either prove or disprove most of these claims is lacking. Rose flower extracts have been shown, however, to improve mouth and throat inflammation, when taken internally. As well, due to their established astringent properties, they may benefit the skin by tightening, or tonifying it, when applied topically.
Dead Sea Minerals Uses
Therapeutic use of mineral baths dates back to ancient history and is not necessarily confined to the salts obtained from the Dead Sea. Over the centuries, the practice has reached a very high level of sophistication and is known today as balneotherapy. Mineral salts from various geographic locales, including the Dead Sea, are used for a broad range of conditions, including, arthritis, ankylosing spondylitis (form of inflammatory spine disease), back pain, fibromyalgia, skin care, stress, rheumatoid arthritis, psoriasis and other dermatological problems, neurological disorders, fractures, physical trauma, flu, hematoma, depressed immune system, hypertension, among many, many others.
Scientific Support
Tremendous amount of research has gone into investigating the clinical effectiveness of balneotherapy. Numerous scientific theories on its mechanisms of action have been proposed. The vast majority of benefits ascribed to the use of mineral baths in professional settings have at least some credible data to validate them. Throughout the world, balneotherapy is generally well recognized and accepted by many medical professionals and natural health practitioners alike as valid means for treatment of various disorders.
This article is for informational purposes only and not intended as medical advice. Mineral baths may be contraindicated in numerous health conditions. Prior to commencing any natural modality, including use of herbs and mineral baths, consult a licensed health professional.