Turmeric & Milk Thistle for Liver Disease
Milk thistle contains silymarin, which shields liver cells from damage by free radicals and leukotrienes, reinforces the outer wall of liver cells so poisons cannot penetrate them, stimulates protein synthesis, which helps the liver to regenerate itself and slows the rate at which alcohol and toxins deplete glutathione--an important antioxidant enzyme for the liver.
Curcumin, a compound found in turmeric, is known to reduce cholesterol, protect the liver against damage from drugs and chemicals, and counter liver conditions, such as jaundice, viral hepatitis and cirrhosis.
Expert Insight
According to Earl Mindell, R.Ph., Ph.D., author of "Herb Bible", turmeric helps the liver by increasing bile production and reducing liver inflammation.
Study Findings
Studies published in "Plant Foods & Human Nutrition, vol. 44" reported that turmeric increases levels of two liver-supporting enzymes, glutathione-S-transferase and glucuronyl transferase.
People with biliary tract obstruction should avoid any herbs that stimulate bile secretion, including turmeric and milk thistle.