Homeopathic Treatment for Ringworm

Ringworm is a common fungal infection that can appear on the skin, scalp, groin, feet or nails. This ailment is caused by the dermatophyte fungus and is not actually a worm. It shows up as itchy, flaky patches of red rings that have white, flaky clusters in the center. Using homeopathic treatments will help to get rid of the fungus and bring balance back to the body.
  1. Transmission

    • This fungus is spread easily through direct contact with humans, animals and even soil. It can also be transmitted indirectly by someone using other people’s infected personal items, such as a towel or a hair brush. Like most other fungi, ringworm thrives in warm, moist and dirty conditions.

    Treatment Overview

    • You can treat ringworm with over-the-counter topical anti-fungal products. These come in many forms and are useful, but they may take some time to do their work. Oral medications can also be used for this purpose, but like many other medications, there is a risk of side effects. Natural remedies are usually safer and gentler, as they address the condition, as well as the cause. Natural treatments, such as homeopathic approaches, help to bring balance and harmony back to the body.

    Homeopathic Treatments

    • There are a few different homeopathic ringworm treatments that you can try, all of which have proven to be effective with few or no side effects. Natrum muriaticum, kalium muriaticum and kalium sulphate have been used for this purpose. These ingredients boost the body’s natural healing processes, which help to get rid of the fungus that causes ringworm. Cleavers and red clover are therapeutic herbs that are also used for this. Tea tree oil is a widely used essential oil for skin issues and has proven effective in getting rid of ringworm. Lavender and thuja oils also work well. An oral homeopathic remedy that has been tried with great success is garlic. Garlic has numerous health benefits, including tackling this fungus. Eating two to three garlic cloves with your food daily or ingesting garlic tablets are suggested. Add the garlic right before the food is done cooking, so you don’t kill the healing properties with heat. Boost the immune system with echinacea and astragalus to fight the infection from within.

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