Homemade Peppermint Oil
What You Need
You will need only a few ingredients and supplies to create your homemade peppermint oil: a jar with a lid that will close tightly; a knife; peppermint leaves; and a carrier oil. This is the oil you pour over the peppermint in order to infuse the carrier oil with the essence of the peppermint. Use a simple vegetable oil or an already macerated oil, which is an oil that has already been infused with something else. While you can buy peppermint leaves from your local grocer, you may find that growing your own herbs will add extra freshness to your infused oil.
Choosing the carrier oil is a key step. A rich, heavy oil is best used for the body, such as for massage, while others are better suited for facial treatments. Carrier oils that can be used on both face and body are peach, almond and apricot oils; begin with these and then try different essences with different oils to see what feels best on your body and face.
The amount of peppermint you need will depend on the size of the jar you’re using to store your oil. Pick or purchase enough peppermint leaves to fill the jar almost to the top. The jar must be clean; if you are not sure it is, boil it and allow it to air-dry.
Wash and dry the peppermint leaves and either crush or chop them with a sharp knife to release the natural oils. Place them in the jar and pour in the carrier oil, sealing tightly. Allow the natural oils to penetrate the carrier oil for at least 24 hours. Strain the oil and add more chopped peppermint and carrier oil, and seal tightly. Repeat this process daily for five days. Strain out all the peppermint leaves and pour the oil into smaller bottles. Store the oil in a refrigerator or other cool place to keep it fresh.