Herbal Detox Wraps

Herbal body wraps were originally developed by a Bavarian monk named Father Sebastian Kneipp, who also adhered to the use of hydrotherapy and other herbal regimens. He wrapped many layers of hot, herbal infused towels around his patients to ease their aches and pains. This technique is still used today to rid the body of excess fluid and toxins and to reduce cellulite. When professionally done at places such as day spas, herbal body wraps help to stimulate the lymphatic and circulatory systems. You can mimic these results by doing the herbal wraps at home.
  1. Process

    • You can save yourself a lot of money by doing your own herbal detox wrap at home. Several materials are necessary for this treatment. You will need a large plastic or vinyl sheet that is waterproof, a blanket, a large towel and a 12-oz. spray bottle. You will also need a selection of essential oils or assorted dried herbs, which you can purchase online or from a health food store.

      You will want to do the wrap in an open area of your bedroom or in the bathroom. Lay out the blanket on the floor and cover it with the plastic sheeting or vinyl. Spread the towel on top of the vinyl or sheeting.

      Fill your spray bottle with very hot mineral or distilled water. Add about 12 to 15 drops of your chosen essential oils or 2 tsp. of dried herbs to the water and shake gently until the oils or herbs are mixed well. Spray the mixture onto the towel that has been spread on the floor. Saturate the towel, and repeat the process until the entire surface is covered.

      Lie facedown on the towel, and pull both sides of the towel around your body, engulfing yourself with the towel. Grab all of the layers, including the plastic and blanket, and make a sort of cocoon. You can lie in this facedown position for about 30 to 60 minutes, depending on how quickly the sprayed water mixture cools off.

      Herbal detox wraps encourage the body to detoxify by increasing sweating and stimulating circulation. Lymphatic drainage is another positive benefit of herbal body wraps. In addition to their detoxifying benefits, body wraps are also relaxing. For best results, choose herbs such as lavender, mandarin and geranium for a tranquil treat. Cypress, juniper and lavender provide detoxifying effects.

      After the wrap, make sure to drink plenty of water to replace the fluids that have been released from your body.

      Consult your physician before doing a body wrap at home. You should not do a herbal body wrap if you are pregnant or diabetic.

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