Herb for Sinus Drainage
Steam Inhalations
One of the best ways to loosen congestion and thin out mucus in the nasal passages is to inhale steam combined with aromatic herbs. The vapor action of the steam helps moisten and soothe nasal passages and loosen mucus, according to "The Doctors Book of Herbal Home Remedies."
Try inhaling steam infused with eucalyptus oil at least once a day for relief. Place a few drops of eucalyptus oil in the bottom of a large bowl and fill it with hot water. Drape a towel or cloth over your head and lean over the bowl, breathing in the vapors. You can repeat this procedure twice daily until your symptoms abate.
Make a different type of steam inhalation with 2 tsp. each of dried thyme, rosemary and peppermint. When combined, these herbs work in much the same way as eucalyptus. Use a process identical to the one above. Again, you can repeat this process once or twice a day until your symptoms subside.
Other Herbal Remedies
Along with attacking the mucus itself, it is helpful to strengthen your overall immune system to prevent infection and fight off bacteria that may be causing your sinus problems.
Echinacea is a powerful herbal infection fighter and aid to the immune system. Look for echinacea tea, tincture or capsules at your local health-food store and use according to directions on the package. Drink the tea, in particular, for a boost to your immune system and to soothe your clogged sinuses. The steam alone will help loosen congestion.
Oregon grape is another herb with strong anti-bacterial properties. Most health-food stores stock tincture of Oregon grape. Take 1 tsp. three times a day for relief of your symptoms.
Other Considerations
Drink plenty of water throughout the day to loosen mucus and ease sinus congestion. If you continue to be bothered with excessive sinus drainage, or if the color of the mucus is green or yellow and appears quite thick, consult your doctor. You may require a more conventional treatment program such as antibiotics.