Information on Dong Quai
In traditional Chinese medicine (TCM), dong quai is mixed with other herbs to make medicine for the treatment of menopause symptoms, hypertension, heart disease, anemia and fatigue.
According to the National Institutes of Health, there is scientific evidence that the dong quai root can improve symptoms of menopause in women. It contains phytoestrogens that act in a way similar to estrogen.
Cancer Risk
Dong quai essential oil should not be consumed because it contains small traces of substances that are known to cause cancer, according to the University of Maryland's Medical Center. Additionally, women at risk for hormone-related cancers should not take dong quai because of the herb's similarity to estrogen.
Side Effects
Consuming large quantities of dong quai can and make you sensitive to sunlight. Exposure to sunlight while taking dong quai can result in rashes and skin inflammation.
Pregnant women and people with diarrhea and abdominal bloating should not use dong quai. Nursing mother and children should also avoid dong quai because there isn't sufficient scientific evidence about its effects.