Natural Treatment for Liver Disease
The liver secretes bile, which is the waste that is produced by what we take into our bodies. It also controls what goes into our bloodstream, which is the largest gland in the human body.
Milk Thistle
Milk Thistle This herb comes in tablets and capsules and is taken to help repair and replace damaged liver cells. It is the antioxidant silymarin in this herb that makes it work.
Dandelion Root
Dandelion Root This bitter root can kick the sluggish liver into gear. Tablets and capsules are available at health food stores and a tea made from this root can be a great liver detoxifier as well.
Similar to milk thistle, this herb can aide in repair and also helps to reduce some of the symptoms associated with liver disease. Take 500 to 1500 mg of the dried fruit three time per day for the best results.
Always get the advice of a professional health care giver before taking any alternative medicines. Some of them can have interactions with prescription medications.