What Is Camomile Tea Used For?
Health Benefits
A study by the University of Toyama, Japan, printed in The Journal of Agriculture and Food Chemistry in August 2008, showed that camomile may ease diabetes. You can apply the tea to the skin for psoriasis, acne and eczema.
There are two types of camomile plants. The two main varieties are English camomile and German camomile. While they are different species, they have the same effects.
Camomile looks a lot like a daisy. It has the same coloring. It differs from a daisy in that the center of the flower is cone shaped
Growing Camomile
Camomile is easy to grow. Plant the seeds in early spring, and space them 15 to 18 inches apart. Pick the flowers after they are in full bloom. You can use the flowers when they are fresh or dried for later use. It takes about five blossoms to make one cup of tea.
Camomile comes as a tea, liquid extract, dried flowers, capsules and ointment. Most commonly, it is prepared as a tea.
There are two ways of spelling camomile. The one used in this article and a more common one, "chamomile." Most dictionaries agree that both are correct.