Alternatives to Activella
Peri- and Post- Menopause
Menopause comes with a long list of symptoms, such as hot flashes, mood swings, water retention and weight gain, vaginal irritations, dry skin, depression, and even anxiety and panic attacks.
Peri-menopause is the time when the body begins to reduce the amount of pregnancy hormones every month. Monthly periods become irregular, and menopausal symptoms begin. This occurs over roughly five years.
Menopause is "declared" when periods have stopped for a full year, and a clinical test determines a high level of FSH hormone.
Post-menopause is the time in a woman's life when she has no more concerns over pregnancy. It is the time when cardiovascular problems and osteoporosis are most likely.
Herbal Solutions
Dong quai, chaste tree berry and wild yam are considered the "best" herbs for female hormone issues according to herbal traditions. Dong quai and chaste berry balance hormones, while wild yam is a plant steroid. These herbs release metabolic chemicals which support the pituitary gland, the hypothalamus in the brain and the ovaries. Licorice root and hops flowers promote healthy female hormone levels, and damiana is sometimes added to increase female libido. Each of these herbs are reported to bring a sense of balance to women, allowing them to age gracefully and slowly, rather than crashing at menopause and afterward.
For vaginal dryness, try organic plant oils such as extra virgin olive oil and coconut oil both internally and externally. Olive oil can be added to salad dressings, and a teaspoon of coconut oil or butter can be added to smoothies or just eaten with a spoon.
Heart and Bones
Many women are unable to function normally because of the changes that are occurring in their bodies during and after menopause. Using a female herbal formula can help save relationships and careers, but there are other things to address, such as heart and bone support.
Hawthorn berries and hot peppers, like cayenne and jalapenos, are foods that support heart health. However, the best ways to support heart health are with exercise and a diet recommended by the American Heart Association.
For healthy bones, consume foods high in calcium, such as broccoli and sesame seed tahini. Although popularly believed, a 2008 study performed in Taiwan revealed that a vegetarian diet has no affect on bone loss in aging women. Consider calcium supplementation.
Healthy Lifestyle
Every woman, if she lives long enough, will experience menopause. It is a normal occurrence that can not be avoided. A woman can enjoy this natural change in her life if she stops unhealthy and risky habits like drinking alcohol, smoking and eating food high in sodium and cholesterol. She should take the time to exercise, remove as much stress as possible, and do things she loves to do. Menopause does not have to be a difficult experience. It is can be the best part of life and not the worst.
This information has not been approved or evaluated by the FDA, and is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or heal any disease or medical condition. Please consult a trusted health care professional before attempting any kind of self-health care.