Herbal Supplements to Cleanse Blood
Burdock is well known as a blood purifying herb. According to "The Complete Illustrated Book of Herbs" from Reader's Digest Books, burdock root is the plant part that is used medicinally. It aids in the cleansing of the lymphatic system as well as the digestive and urinary systems.
Because inflammation (and its resulting pain) is thought to be caused by toxins built up in the system, burdock root is commonly prescribed for rheumatic illnesses. It has also been proven to be helpful for skin problems such as eczema and acne. As it purifies the blood, burdock also helps boost the immune system.
Burdock root can be enjoyed as a vegetable or as a herbal tea. If you are pregnant or nursing, you should not use burdock.
Yellow Dock
Yellow dock is another purifying herb that helps the kidneys and liver cleanse the blood. It is especially useful for skin conditions and is commonly used with burdock and dandelion to remove impurities from the body. You can find formulations that include yellow dock is a capsule or tea. You can also use a tincture of yellow dock root.
As previously mentioned, dandelion is often used with yellow dock root. According to "The Complete Illustrated Book of Herbs," dandelion is traditionally used as a spring cleansing tonic. It is a powerful diuretic that cleanses the kidneys, allowing them to keep the blood free of toxins. It also aids the liver by stimulating the production of bile.
Dandelion can be eaten as a vegetable either cooked or fresh. It is a bitter herb, as are most blood purifying herbs. When harvesting dandelion, be sure you gather it from places that have not been sprayed with chemicals intended to kill this plant as it is often thought of as a weed.
Because of its diuretic effect, nettle leaf is also used as a traditional blood purifier because it effectively dissolves toxins and flushes them from the body. It is well known for its ability to aid in skin conditions, rheumatic conditions and is useful in treating allergies.
Nettle leaves should only be gathered from young plants not more than four inches tall. When the plants grow bigger, they tend to develop compounds that cause a stinging sensation (hence the name "stinging nettles"). Young leaves can be cooked as a vegetable or brewed into a tea but should never be consumed raw.