Anti-Fungal Home Treatments
Home Treatments for Skin Fungus Infections
According to the Web site, vinegar can be an effective anti-fungal treatment. Soak a cotton ball with vinegar and apply to the infected area. The infected area can also be soaked in a pan of vinegar if practical.
Home Treatments for Toenail Fungus
Soaking the feet or hands in a tub of warm water and Epsom salt for 15 or 20 minutes can be an effective treatment for toenail fungus. Daily soaks for up to three weeks may be necessary to alleviate the fungus infection. Dry the feet completely after each treatment.
Other Home Treatments for Fungus Infections
Tea tree oil can be used as a fungus treatment. It can be mixed with oils such as lavender to reduce irritation. Use a cotton ball to apply the mixture to an infected area.
Home Treatments for Internal Fungus Infections
Vaginal yeast infections can be treated with the introduction of probiotic yeast. According to the Mayo Clinic, a vaginal suppository containing L. acidophilus can be used as a treatment.
Home Remedy Precautions
Try any treatment on a small portion of the infection to determine the effects of the treatment on the fungus. Fungus infections can be difficult to eradicate and may require repeated treatment over many months.