How to Choose Natural Herbs to Encapsulate

Putting powdered herbs in an empty capsule is called encapsulation. The health benefits of herbs can be achieved without the bitter taste. Encapsulating your own herbs ensures that you get clean, untreated herbs. A capsule machine is normally used to make herbal capsules, but they can also be made by sinking the longer end of the capsule in the powdered herb and enclosing the powder with the smaller end. Follow these steps to choose which natural herbs to encapsulate.


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      Ask yourself what benefits you are looking to obtain from taking a natural herb. If it is an external benefit, say something that cures dermatitis topically, than this herb shouldn't be encapsulated. Chances are this type of herb is intended to be used externally.

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      Can you eat it raw? If the natural herb is edible, then it may be a good candidate to encapsulate. However, if it is not edible, it should never be taken internally as these herbs may be poisonous.

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      Does it taste good? If the answer is no and the natural herb is edible, then it would be a good idea to encapsulate. Chinese herbs are known for their benefits to health, but they can also be unpleasant to the taste buds. Valerian is a good herb to encapsulate. It is good for inducing sleep and reducing pain. However, the taste is very bitter.

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      Is it faster to make a tea instead? Herbs like chamomile, peppermint, and licorice can be made into a capsule, but the benefits can be obtained faster by making a cup of tea.

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