Herbal Alternatives to Detrol
Causes and Side Effects
The causes of an overactive bladder or urinary incontinence include urinary-tract infections, bladder stones or tumors, enlarged prostate, alcohol and caffeine consumption or medications including diuretics, as noted by the Georgia Department of Community Health. Detrol's side effects include swelling, shortness of breath, dry mouth, difficulty urinating, dizziness and blurred vision, according to Drugs.com.
Herb alternatives to Detrol may provide relief for an overactive bladder. Each herb has its unique effect on the overactive bladder or urinary incontinence condition. They may be taken individually or prescribed in an herbal formula by a natural health-care provider.
The University of Maryland Medical Center notes that green tea (Camellia sinensis) boosts immunity, St. John's wort (Hypericum perforatum) calms urinary incontinence symptoms, cranberry (Vaccinium macrocarpon) boosts kidney health and saw palmetto (Serenoa repens) provides support for urinary incontinence caused by the prostate gland.
Anti-Inflammation and Calming Effects
Alpinia oxyphylla, or Yi Zhi Ren, is a Chinese herb that treats bladder dysfunction by reducing inflammation. Passiflora incarnata--an herb native to Brazil--is used to reduce inflammation and muscle spasms. Valeriana officinalis, or valerian, also calms muscle spasms. Reducing inflammation and calming muscle spasms help to prevent overstimulation of the bladder muscles and normalize their ability to retain urine.
For Strength
There are herbs that boost immunity, increase strength and reduce urine flow--especially important for overactive bladder or urinary incontinence cases caused by increased urine production. Immunity and strength are crucial in the process of recovering from urinary disorders. Increased urine causes heightened levels of fluid loss, and frequent urination leaves a person vulnerable to infection, as the natural urinary tract defenses are not allowed enough time between voidings to maintain normal and balanced levels. Herbal alternatives to Detrol that increase strength also give the bladder support as it regains its normal functions and rebuilds its muscle tone.
There are some common traditional Chinese medicine herbs that act as herbal alternatives to Detrol. These include Cornus officinalis, Panax ginseng and Schisandra chinensis. Cornus officinalis, or Shan Zhu Yu, helps to decrease urine flow. It is known in traditional Chinese medicine for boosting immunity and strength. Panax ginseng increases the body's energy, boosts immunity and also relaxes the bladder. Schisandra chinensis, or Wu Wei Zi, adds support to other herbs that decrease urine flow and is favored for its support of the body's homeostasis or internal balance.